Thursday, September 5, 2013

Journey's End? Or Journey Just Beginning?

I drove on from Spokane towards Seattle.  Along the way, the highway was lined with all sorts of fruit orchards and farms.  Unlike all the other states, Washington State provided signs along the highway so you could tell what was growing... and surprisingly, it wasn't all corn!  It's amazing how the scenery in Washington goes from flat farm lands to dry mountainous dessert lined with orchards to green mountains.  I definitely think of all the states I drove through, the scenery in Washington changed the most.  

After 3,362.5 miles, on labor day, I made it to the apartment I'll be living in for the next 3 months in Seattle, Washington.  On the way there I took a little pit stop at my brother's house where I was warmly welcomed by my niece and nephew, sister in law and brother.  The kids had assembled a US map puzzle on the floor and were eager to hear about my journey, all the states I went through, how long it took, what I saw, etc.  I've never seen them so captivated by a story!  They certainly enjoyed hearing about my meeting Santa in Wyoming and the jelly bean factory tour in Wisconsin.  I think they may be ready for a road trip now as they were really excited.

We had a great dinner at my brother's place before my brother and the kids followed me to my new apartment where all three of them helped me carry stuff in from the car.  We finished the day off with a trip to an ice cream shop.  Across the street from the shop there's a park where people were playing polo.... on bicycles!  Only in Seattle.  So very hipster!

I've decided I'll write a longer post on what all I've learned and what the highs and lows of the road trip were, but in the mean time, I've also decided I'll continue to blog about some of my adventures in the pacific northwest as I learn whether a southerner, DC transplant can fit in.

For the time being though, one road trip is over, but there will be a lot more exploring coming up.  In addition, I'm already planning another road trip.... just have to decide on the destination!

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