Sunday, September 1, 2013

Living it Up in Livingston

After exiting Yellowstone as the sun was going down and heading towards I-90 I decided it was best to grab some dinner (more on Yellowstone later - it's a long post.) Montana's Rib & Chop House sounded just right and was packed! I was lucky to grab a seat at the bar. The gentlemen next to me were decked out in pure western wear... including cowboy hats and western shirts. I was hoping to order a bison burger (after all, I'd spent all afternoon looking at bison in the park!) Unfortunately they didn't have it on the menu. They did have some good Montana microbrews on tap though!
The cowboys commented to themselves they wouldn't have a seat at the bar for their friend. I overheard and asked if they wanted me to slide down a seat. I did and they then proceeded to tell me how I'd really like their friend, how he was really good looking, etc. I laughed and said "I'm not from around here." That got us talking. Soon the friend showed up and the four of us talked and ate for about two hours on everything from what to see and do in Montana to gun control laws and hunting to the best fly fishing to lawyers in Montana and a federal judge the cowboys weren't too pleased with. It was a fun evening and it was great to talk with some locals. Apparently Livingston and it's neighboring towns are home to a bunch of celebrities - including John Mayer. The cowboys said everyone who passes through winds up staying awhile or returning.  It definitely is a gorgeous place.
When I asked where I could get a bison burger I was told the best place was Ted's Montana Grill. I had to laugh. They told me Ted Turner owns a ton of acres and raises Bison. I laughed and told them I'm from Georgia and have actually been to his restaurant there. I was hoping for a local joint!
All in all, a great night in Livingston!

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